My Curriculum Vitae
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I am working as research fellow at Cell Regulatoin Lab in Cancer Research UK London Research Institute.
I will struggle and enjoy my next science in UK.

Personal and contact information
Name:Yuzy Matsuo
Birthday:17/2/1983 (around 30 age. orz. www)
Place of birth:South Shimabara city, Nagasaki, Japan
Hobby: Fishing, Mountaineering, Walking & Jogging, Reading books and Doing scientific experiments.
A motto:Keep on runnning, keep on fighting , where there`s a will, there`s a way.
My favaorite proverb: You can accomplish anything if you'll do it. Nothing will be accomplished unless you do it. If something was not accomplished, that's because you didn't do it. (成せばなる、成さねばならぬ何事も、成らぬは人の成さぬなりけり(上杉鷹山))


Education and Professional Experimence
2005 B.S(Biochemistry)    Fuculty of Agriculture, Saga University, Saga, Japan
2007 M.A(Yeast Genetics & Molecular biology) Fuculty of Africulture, Saga University, Saga, Japan
2008-2010 JSPS research fellow (DC2)
2007-2011 Ph.D.student (Molecular and cellular biology) , The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tottori University, Tottori, Japan
2011- Guest researcher (Ph.D (Agriculture)), Department of Molecular and Functional Genomics, Centre of Integrated Research in Science, Shimane University, Shimane, Japan

Committee Service,etc.
1.Professional Societies
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry (JSBBA).
The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
Yeast Genetics Society of Japan

2.Honors and Awards
2008-2010. Research Fellowship for Young Scientists , Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science
2010. Tyugoku-Sikoku Student encouragement award, Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.

Funding Information
2005-2006 Genetic analysis of nuclear protein quality control system in fission yeast.
The JAPAN SCIENCE SOCIETY, Sasagawa research grant.
Role:PI (Mentor=Dr.Satoshi Katayama in Saga University)
The major goal of this study is to identify several genes contributed to nuclear protein quality control
 in fission yeast.

2008-2010 Molecular biological analysis of nuclear protein quality control system in fission yeast.
JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists.
Role:PI (Mentor=Dr.Makoto Kawamukai in Shimane University)
This principle objective of this study is to analyze the molecular mechanism that play a pivotal role in
nuclear protein quality control in fission yeast.

Invited Presentations
2010. Invited speaker, 27th tyugoku-sikoku area conference of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.Hiroshima, Japan

Original paper
1. Yuzy Matsuo,Kazuhide Asakawa,Takashi Toda,and Satoshi Katayama.
A Rapid Method for Protein Extraction from Fission Yeast.
, Vol70, p1992-1994, 2006.

 This protocol is fortunately cited in several papers. It was especially glad for me to have been cited by Sir Paul Nurse's current article. Furthermore, the almost similar protocol is published from Dr.M.Yoshida Lab.
In particular, this method is very powerful when you construct tagging strains. Because glass-beads and proteinase inhibitor cocktail are not neccesarry to prepare the protein extract in this protocol, we can handle a lot of samples at the same time (it is especially useful for checking tagging strains). In addition, it is possible for us to extract total protein directly from S.pombe cells grown in not only liquid medium but also on solid medium (YES, YPD, EMM, SC etc). 

2. Yuzy Matsuo, Hayafumi Kishimoto, Tomitaka Horiuhci, Katsuhiro Tanae and Makoto Kawamukai.
Simple and Effective Gap-Repair Cloning Using Short Tracts of Flanking Homology in Fission Yeast.
, Vol74, p685-689, 2010.

 Unfortunately, nobody except for me have been cited this article. However, this method is very powerful when you perform the one-step cloning of multiple DNA fragments to construct a fusion gene. The principle and procedure of Gap-Repair Cloning is detailed in Dr.Y.Nagano  and Dr.H.Moriya homepage.
Furthermore, Dr.Moriya Lab showed that GRC is simple and effective for plasmid construction in fission yeast.

3. Yuzy Matsuo, Hayafumi Kishimoto, Katsuhiro Tanae, Kenji Kitamura, Satoshi Katayama and Makoto Kawamukai.
Nuclear Protein Quality is Regulated by the Ubiqutin-Proteasome System through the Activity of Ubc4 and San1
in Fission Yeast.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.286, p13775-13790, 2011.

 This study have been my main project since I was a master-course student in Saga university ,2006.
This present work shows that the existence of a nuclear protein quality control systems mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome system in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe for the first time.
Although protein quality control (PQC) systems have been extensively studied in the cytoplasm(e.g. ERAD pathway and CHIP pathway etc.), nuclear PQC system are not well understood.
 In the study of nuclear PQC system, Dr.Gardner achieved the pioneering work; At first, they identified that San1 is the ubiquitin ligase (E3) contributed to the nuclear PQC in budding yeast. Next, they recently showed that San1 directly recognizes and targets the misfolded proteins for proteolysis using conformational plsticity of disorder (Disorder targets misorder in Nuclear PQC). Furthermore, current several papers showed that San1 contribute to PQC not only in the nucleus , but also in the cytosol in budding yeast.
 In addition, Dr.Iwata suggest that UHRF-2 is an essential E3 ligase for the nuclear pQ degradation as a component of nuclear PQC machinery in mammalian cells. All data from their (Drs.Gardner and Iwata) and our study indicate that the nuclear PQC via the ubiquitin-proteasome system is widely conserved from yeast to human. Although there are a lot of enigma in the study of nuclear PQC system, I believe firmly that the study will be more interesting and exiting field. If I have the oppotunity(time,grant,infla) , I want to struggle to solve the problems.
Fortunately, my paper publised in JBC has been cited by the recent Dr.Gardner's paper. This very exciting paper demonstrate that budding yeast nuclear PQC ubiquitin ligase San1 recognizes exposed hydrophobicity in its substrate. 

4. Katsuhiro Tanae, Tomitaka Horiuchi, Yuzy Matsuo, Satoshi Katayama, and Makoto Kawamukai
Histone chaperone Asf1 plays an essential role in maintaining genomic stability in fission yeast.

5. I am writing down the new paper related to the latest our study.

Presentations (from 2006)

How to extract total protein from S.pombe by NaOH extraction method

1. 分裂酵母をYES液体培地などで液体培養する or YESプレートなどにストリークする。
2. 約1.0×10の8乗相当の分裂酵母細胞を集める(micro cfgの場合@RT,7,000rpm,1min)。→なるべくフレッシュな細胞がよい。
3. 滅菌水1mlで洗浄してから、再び集菌する。
4. 滅菌水0.3mlを加えて細胞をよく懸濁してから0.6M NaOHを0.3ml加えてよく混合する。
5. 室温で10min静置培養する。
6. micro cfg(@RT,10,000rpm,2min)後、上清を除去してから70μlのSpecial SDS buffer(組成は上記論文を参照)を加える。
7. まずチップの先端でペレットをかき混ぜてバラバラにしてから、静かにpipettingで細胞を懸濁する。→アルカリ処理後の細胞は非常に溶解にしくいの で注意。
8. @100℃で3~5minボイル後、−20℃保存。SDS-PAGEやWestern blottingに供する量は10μlほどでよい。

How to perform gap-repair cloning (GRC)  in S.pombe

上記図は「ポ イントがわかる分子生物学第2版(Drs.川向誠 & 真野佳博 編著)」より転載。

(1) PCRでクローン化したい遺伝子(プロモーター、タグなど)に挿入したいベクター部位の相同配列を付加して増幅する。
(2) 制限酵素あるいはInverse PCRでベクターの挿入したい位置にgapが入った線状DNAを調製する。
(3) PCR産物と線状ベクターを同時に分裂酵母に形質転換する。
(4) 酵母からプラスミド回収して大腸菌にレスキューする。
(5) 大腸菌よりプラスミドを回収して、制限酵素処理やシーケンスでインサートの構造確認する。

GRC の実験手順/操作の流れ

Fishing Blog 「Fish on』


Memory of Mountaineering 「Because it is there」

Thank you very much for my masters, mentors, family, friends and collaborators
Owining to their helps and encouragements, I was able to publish several
papers and can get a Ph.D without giving up and going soft.

 佐賀から数えて5年くらいやっているメインの仕事の Full papaerの論文を
 川向先生を始め、佐賀大学時代にお世話になった沢山の先生方、JSPS felloeshipや家族などへ